PTA Resources
Important Links
The below sites will help you manage/track aspects of your child's education. You will have a separate account for each child. Contact your child's classroom teacher or the parent coordinator for help accessing your account.
Artsonia - View the artwork that your child creates in school from your home computer or cellphone. You can invite other family members to view and comment on your child's artwork. You can order custom items (T-shirts, mugs, keychains, photo books) featuring your child's artwork. The account stays with throughout the duration of your child's education, so each year, new artwork will be uploaded.
MyStudent NYC - You can view your child's report card grades, standardized test scores, attendance records, and other school-related information all from one place.
i-Ready - "At PS 24, we have been utilizing the online learning tool I-Ready, to engage students in technology-based instruction. Diagnostic results allow students to work independently on their instructional path geared toward their individual needs. I-Ready Online Instruction efficiently identifies student strengths and areas of growth; regardless of current level of achievement, and provides specific next steps to support student learning." (Steven Schwartz)
The below sites are excellent resources for general information related to education and curriculum.
Guides and Regulation
This guide should answer most of your questions concerning the school (e.g. grading policies, structure of the day, lunch, etc)
We’re excited to have you join us in this virtual community. This space is for the parents, caregivers and staff of PS24 to connect, share ideas and resources, ask questions and plan together for the good of PS24 and all of our kids. You can use Slack from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Class reps have the important job of keeping their fellow parents informed about events affecting their class and the school-at-large. They also assist the teacher as needed, and help coordinate the class for special projects and activities. Read about what it means to be class rep and how to be an effective class rep.
School Forms and PTA Documents
Any documents or forms we create will also be posted here.
digital-blue-card.pdf - Make sure to complete your digital blue card and send it back to your teacher
Join our slack workspace - We recommend all parents join the PS24 PA Slack Workspace. This is the best way to connect with other parents and stay aware of what is happening in the school.
Direct Appeal - please consider making a donation to our school.
'24-'25 PS 24 PTA Check Request Form - use this if you have spent money for supplies/activities related to one of the PTA events and would like to get reimbursed by the PTA.
PTA Meeting Minutes:
Afterschool Programs
Triple S Programs @ North Riverdale
Transportation available from P.S. 24
5795 Tyndall Avenue, 2 FL
Riverdale, 10471
718 708 5430
Y Care at P.S. 24
The Riverdale YM-YWHA program for students at P.S. 24
Monday - Friday until 6:00 pm
For information call 718-548-8200, ext. 206
Kid's Space (after school at the Riverdale YM-YWHA)
Transportation included from P.S. 24
Monday - Friday until 6:30 pm
For information call 347-913-4972
TCR - The Tennis Club of Riverdale
2600 Netherland Ave
Transportation included from P.S. 24
The Riverdale Neighborhood House After School Program
5521 Mosholu Avenue
Transportation included from P.S. 24
718-549-8100 ext. 125
TaekWondo Warriors
5500 Broadway (corner of 230th street)
The After School Program at Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
3101 Kingsbridge Terrace
The Learning Experience (Kindergarten Only)
3210 Riverdale Ave
Mosholu Montefiore Community Center After School Program
3450 Dekalb Ave.
Bronx, NY
Alphabet Soup
Need help remembering the various school-related acronyms? See below.
ELL - English Language Learner
An English Language Learner, or ELL, is a student whose home language is one other than English and who is entitled to English as a new language and/or bilingual services.
G&T - Gifted and Talented
There is one G&T class on each grade at P.S. 24. To be eligible for a spot in the G&T class, students must score a certain percentile on the G&T test. Visit the NYC DOE Website to learn more about G&T programs and eligibility.
ICT - Integrated Co-Teaching
Classrooms with Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) services include students with IEPs and students without IEPs. No more than 12 (or 40 percent) of the students in the class can have IEPs. There are two teachers—a general education teacher and a special education teacher. The teachers work together to adapt materials and modify instruction to make sure the entire class can participate.
Source : NYC DOE Website
Additional Resource : Inside Schools
IEP - Individualized Education Program
The IEP, Individualized Education Program, is a written document that’s developed for each public school child who is eligible for special education. The IEP is created through a team effort and reviewed at least once a year.
Additional Resource: Center for Parent Information and Resources
NAEP - National Assessment of Educational Progress
Also known as "The Nation's Report Card", the NAEP is the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of what U.S. students know and can do in various subjects.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics
PA / PTA - Parent Association / Parent Teacher Association
All NYC schools are required to have a PA or PTA. These organizations support the school and the parents in a number of ways including fundraising, volunteering, and planning events and/or workshops. Visit the NYC DOE website to learn more.
SLT - School Leadership Team
The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of people who develop educational policies for their school. They also make sure there are resources to support those policies. The SLT is composed of parents and school faculty. The SLT must have an equal number of parents and staff.
Source : NYC DOE Website
Resources for remote learning
Khan Academy
Daily Student Schedule
Vooks is a great resource to use in the home with your children. Vooks is a streaming library of ad-free, kid-safe animated read-aloud storybooks, trusted by teachers and enjoyed by millions of children around the world every week. Take-Home Lesson Plans from Vooks
BrainPOP is offering free access to its host of sites (BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr. (K-3), BrainPOP ELL, BrainPOP Espanol) while schools are closed due to covid19.
Movement resources